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Phronesis Project

Syllabus, 2016-2017
Class of 2019



Margaret Plews-Ogan, MD       (

Ira Helenius, MD                      (

Natalie May, PhD                     (

Susanna Williams, PhD             (

Carolyn Engelhard, MPA          (


Jim Plews-Ogan, MD                (

Natalie May, PhD                     ( and


An updated copy of this syllabus and additional materials can be found in


Course Goal: 

The Phronesis Project focuses on professional identity formation, organized around the conceptual framework of wisdom. Our educational goal is to foster our capacity for wisdom development, setting the stage for wisdom development throughout our careers.


Course Textbooks:

Plews-Ogan M, Owens JE, and May N. Choosing Wisdom:  Strategies and Inspiration for Growing through Life-Changing Difficulties
.  Templeton Press. Templeton Press, 2012.


Schwartz B, Sharpe K. Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing. New York: Riverhead Books, 2010.


NEW:  Tan, Chade-Meng.  Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace). New York, NY: HarperOne, 2012.


Longitudinal Adult Patients

You will continue to care for your longitudinal adult patients, with a focus on the following: patient navigation through the health system; assisting the care team with outreach and follow up; behavior change to improve health; medication reconciliation, medication literacy and adherence to improve health; and advocacy.   


Longitudinal Pediatric Patients

In August/September, you will attend a pediatric clinic, using Reach Out and Read, with an assigned patient.  You will continue your relationship with this patient and family.  In October, second-year Phronesis students will also have a one-hour workshop on pediatric development, taught by Dr. Jim Plews-Ogan.  Then, in pairs, you will do a developmental assessment of your pediatric patients and design an intervention utilizing the CHIP approach to enhance your pediatric patient's development.  To learn more about Reach Out and Read, please visit their web site:  You will be given more information about an online training that you should complete.



Phronesis Workshops

We will hold 4 workshops during the next 6 months, opportunities for us to delve deeply into topics that we believe will help you grow in your role as a physician.  The August 15th workshop will be combined with the Phronesians 2018 and 2020.  (At the home of Dr. and Dr. Plews-Ogan, 1085 Tilman.)  Additional details about each workshop appear in the syllabus below. 


Clinical Professional Development (CPD)
We will continue to meet weekly through December.  We will devote the first 15 minutes to the following: (1) reflective practice and (2) patient-related activities.  This regular discussion about your patient’s progress, we hope, will encourage you to


  • Check EPIC regularly (minimum weekly);

  • Attend clinic appointments as appropriate;

  • Visit your patient in hospital if they are hospitalized; and

  • Check in with your patient, at least by phone, on a weekly basis. 


Phronesis Student Directed Learning (SDL) topics will have a continued focus on topics outside of what you are learning in the morning curriculum and should be in some way connectable to wisdom.  Just a few topic possibilities: 

  • Empathy and compassion;

  • Health disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease;

  • Ethics;

  • Professionalism;

  • The physician’s role in society;

  • Reflective practice;

  • Other ways of conceptualizing health and wellness;

  • Bias in healthcare;

  • The neuroscience of happiness;

  • Climate change;

  • The role of the physician in the holocaust;

  • The impact of poverty on health outcomes;

  • Neuroscience of compassion; and

  • Burnout in healthcare professionals.


Launch to Clerkship Seminar and Monthly Drop-In Sessions During Clerkship

As has officially become a Phronesis tradition, we will meet on Thursday, February 23 for a special “Launch to Clerkship” seminar.  The goal of this evening is to help you prepare for your clerkship and to make the most out of this experience.  Several of our Phronesis 2018 students have asked if they can join us to share their wisdom as well.  Come prepared to ask any and all questions in a safe and supportive environment. 


Once your clerkship begins, we will offer optional monthly drop-in sessions.  Natalie will send the dates out to you as far in advance as possible. We know that many of you will be out of town, but we encourage you, if you are in Charlottesville, to join us. We provide dinner, and we begin each session with a check-in about your clerkship experience.  Monthly activities vary, depending on your needs and interests. 


We will end your clerkship year with a workshop, “How to Choose a Medical Career.”


Portfolios and Individual Meetings with Dr. May

All of your Phronesis materials throughout the four years are kept as a portfolio. Natalie is storing your portfolios in her office, although you are encouraged to keep your own electronic and/or hard copy. The portfolio includes everything – patient logs, narrative interviews, reflective writings, SIM essays, and even emails. If you have a great day with a patient, shoot Natalie an email or even a text.  (804-512-3208) Or let your mentor know about it. If you are struggling with a patient and wondering about next steps, please let us know. We hope you will consider your portfolio a creative repository of your work and documentation of your growth as a young physician.  The portfolio also helps us keep track of your progress working with your patient.


Each year, you will be asked to write a reflection highlighting your Phronesis experience – Am I gaining wisdom?


Students will have a one-on-one meeting with Natalie May in October/November and with Dr. Plews-Ogan in the spring to review your portfolio and identify any needs you may have in terms of Phronesis work, your patients, etc. You will receive a Sign-up Genius email from Natalie to schedule these meetings.


August 15 2015 – Wisdom in Medicine (Peggy Plews-Ogan, MD)


Workshop Objectives:

  • Get to know the newest class of Phronesians!

  • Reconnect with peers and mentors

  • Reflect on wisdom gained over past year and goals for coming year


Read prior to seminar:

All PDFs are available on Google docs.


Kinghorn WA.  Medical education as moral formation:  an Aristotelian account of medical professionalism. Perspect Biol Med. 2010;53(1):87-105.


Reading – Optional:

Kaldjian L. Teaching practical wisdom in medicine through clinical judgment, goals of care, and ethical reasoning. J Med Ethics. 2010;36(9):558-62.


Portfolio assignment:

How will you know if you’ve become wiser this year?

Please write and submit to Natalie


Patient Activity:

Review EPIC and call or visit patient.


Monday, August 15

6:30 – 9:00 pm

Dr. Plews-Ogan’s house (1085 Tilman)



September 12 2016 – Clinical Seminar & Medication Reconciliation Training (Peggy Plews-Ogan, MD)


Clinical Seminar Objectives:

  • Students will discuss challenges and share strategies in patient care.

  • Focus will be on students’ longitudinal patients.


Medication Reconciliation Training Objectives:

  • Students will learn how to do a medication reconciliation

  • Students will be able to assess medication literacy and medication knowledge in their patients.


Read prior to seminar:

Marks JR, Schectman JM, Groninger H, Plews-Ogan ML.  The association of health literacy and socio-demographic factors with medication knowledge. Pt Educ Couns. 2010.(78)372-376. (Available on Google Docs.)


Assignments (for portfolio): 

  • Conduct a medication reconciliation with your adult patient. Turn in the table that you develop and the table you complete with your patient; notify the patient’s PCP of any discrepancies you find in the med rec.

  • Conduct a medication literacy and knowledge assessment with your adult patient.


Monday, Sept 12

1:00 – 3:00 pm
Historical Collections Library (basement of Health Sciences Library)


October 10 2016 – Pediatric Development (Jim Plews-Ogan, MD)


Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamentals of pediatric development and the major developmental milestones

  • Demonstrate use of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to assess development


Read prior to workshop:

  • Ages and Stages Questionnaire instructions for use

Assignment (for portfolio):

In pairs, do a developmental assessment on their patients, and design an intervention utilizing the CHIP approach, that would enhance your pediatric patient's development.



Monday, October 10

12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location TBA


November 28 2016 – Motivational Interviewing II: Rolling with Resistance & Other Advanced Techniques (Andy Wolf, MD & Phronesis mentors)


Workshop Objectives:

This workshop is a follow-up to last year’s Motivational Interview I workshop where we learned about stages of change and how to help patients set behavioral goals.  You will be asked to bring some specific challenges and successes that you have experienced in helping your patient set and achieve these goals.


  • Students will understand the underlying concepts of motivational interviewing and be able to practice them with their adult patients.

  • Students will learn peer (colleague)-support skills, helping each other improve their patient care abilities.



  • Continue working with patient on setting behavioral goals.  Record in behavior change table.  (Available on

  • Individual meetings with Natalie May


Monday, Nov. 28

1:00 – 2:30

Location TBA

February 2017 – Launch to Clerkship Seminar (Mentors, SMD 2018 Phronesians)


The goal of this evening is to help you prepare for your clerkship and to make the most out of this experience.  Several of our Phronesis 2018 students have asked to join us, hoping they can share their wisdom with you as well. 


Come prepared to ask any and all questions in a safe and supportive environment. 



Thursday, February 23

5:30 – 8:00 pm

Location TBA



March 2017 –- end of clerkship – Monthly Drop-In Sessions


Once your clerkship begins, we will offer optional monthly drop-in sessions.  Natalie will send the dates out to you as far in advance as possible. We know that many of you will be out of town, but we encourage you, if you are in Charlottesville, to join us. We provide dinner, and we begin each session with a check-in about your clerkship experience.  Monthly activities vary, depending on your needs and interests. 


We will end your clerkship year with a workshop, “How to Choose a Medical Career,” but this topic is fair game for discussion during the monthly drop-ins.


Drop-In Sessions

Dates TBA

Locations TBA

5:30 – 8:00 pm

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